Top 4 resources for learning GUI programming with Python

Jeremy Kallowitz
February 23, 2024

Top 4 resources for learning GUI programming with Python

Learning different languages is part of the job description as a developer. If you have it as a hobby, it is only going to benefit you for the future. Python itself is an interactive programming language that helps the developer with several coding methods that are turned easier for developers to save up on time.

With Python in hand and a good dozen lessons from Pluralsight after you sign up, working with GUI although you have never worked on it before is completely fine. However, you can either choose between Pluralsight vs Treehouse so that you can better understand the program. It is a learning system along with being a powerful tool that helps the person learn the dos and don’ts of GUI programming.

Here are the 4 best resources for learning GUI programming with Python:


It is an accelerated framework with OpenGL ES 2. It helps to create new user interfaces and supports multiple operating systems in one go. You can use the system to learn GUI programming because of the user-friendly interface and the 10 widget tools that come with it for free. They are basic tools but they can help you understand how GUI programming with Python can be like. Take advantage of the opportunity to learn about it by using Kivy on Pluralsight because the e-learning course is cheap and most effective.


This system is one of the most preferred resources and a prerequisite for using Python as well for GUI programming. You can get some great lessons about it on Pluralsight after which you can operate the system to implement the Qt library that is part of Python as well so it feels like you are working in Python. It combines the best of Python and Qt. Most of the time, it is the programmer who decides whether to create a program or to not do it using coding. This system also lets you make visual boxes for references.

You can get this system for free or buy it, as it is an excellent system to work with before you get to work with the real deal.


This system is famous for being quite simple to use and also similar to that of Python. The user-friendly interface combined with functionality through graphics and a toolkit gives developers much more flexibility than any other resource might. GUI programming must involve a larger knowledge of graphics than normal developing software which is we recommend you look up tutorials on Pluralsight to get an edge over the subject.

The advantage that many acquire from using this system is that because the system comes as a default, there are several resources available in it like coding and libraries that are filled with instructions and guides on how to work something. The community of user who has worked with Tkinter is also great in number. This network, therefore, answers any questions you might have pertaining to the system.


Another open-source wrapper that is used for cross-platform libraries regarding GUI. The WxWidgets that come pre-installed inside the system is an extension of Python widgets. This allows you a demo of the real thing and makes you realize the importance of the tools used in Python for coding. With this, you can start creating your own systems for Windows and Mac OS.


There are many tutorials available regarding the system as well on Pluralsight that you can use to your own comfort. Since Python is the end goal, you can make use of any of the mentioned above to train yourself for the real thing. Who knows, maybe you won’t even need to have GUI programming in Python later on because you get so comfortable with one of the above-mentioned resources.


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Jeremy Kallowitz

I have a passion for online education, I've managed to build a successful career without even finishing high school by learning using a wide variety of online resources. I love to share information and learn from others!
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