We have compiled the best free courses being offered by Pluralsight. These courses are excellent for beginners, intermediate learners as well as for experts. It will give you a unique chance to choose whichever course is right for you and learn it to further enhance your skills, and all for free!
Mockito is a course offered by Pluralsight, which helps you to create Java tests more efficiently by using mock objects. Unit testing and JUnit is essential and is a much-needed skill for a software developer and one of the most popular testing libraries for Java applications. It is generally found in all of java application’s classpath. Unit tests are something every software developer must know how to write and are also a prerequisite for a java related job. So as long as you know Mockito, you will be in good shape! Even though it costs a lot of money to learn Mockito elsewhere, Pluralsight is offering this as a free course. This is generally one of the top ten courses that every java programmer must learn since it is one of the best courses being offered.
This is yet another free course being offered by Pluralsight, which is about provisioning, configuration, and the administration of AWS storage gateway, which helps you to learn how to provide hybrid cloud storage for your data center. This is a much-needed course nowadays when cloud data storage has become fundamental. This course would allow you to choose the best of both worlds by giving a hybrid cloud implementation for the needs of your data storage. This course also provides the users the know-how to configure three types of storage gateways, volume, file, and tape. Initially, it covers the provision and the management of every kind of portal. Then, it allows the user to connect each type of gateway to the clients. Lastly, it will teach you how to administer a storage gateway for your organization. Once this course is completed, you will have the complete knowledge of the implementation and configuration of AWS storage gateway that can now be applied to any data center.
This course teaches about Kubernetes. In this, you will learn about its architecture and how it can be used for installation in your first cluster. Once that cluster has started, you can then see how it works and how it can be used for deployment in other applications in Kubernetes. Once you are done with this course, you will have complete knowledge about Kubernetes and all that is required for administering it as a cluster and its deployment.
This free course will help the users to learn the most basic skills of Office 365 and all its great tools to conveniently and easily collaborate with other people in your organization. Through this, the users will also be educated to configure SharePoint Online and how they can integrate it with many other Microsoft collaboration products. Once you have finished this course, you would be in a better position in terms of the skills and knowledge, which are needed for the utilization of SharePoint Online that can help you to maximize your collaboration in your organization.
This course will help you to learn a lot of convincing and vital things! One of the main reasons for taking this free course is to learn how to use R with Tidyverse. It will help you to deal with your data with dplyr and tidyr. Through this course, you will also be in a better position to make some excellent plots with ggplot2 and this gives you the tool for accomplishing your data goals with the use of R. At the end of this course, you would know all possible knowledge related to Tidyverse and will also be able to take scattered data and turn it into something entirely meaningful.
These are just a few courses on Pluralsight - be sure to check our their entire catalog for more information. We'd also highly suggest looking at some Pluralsight competitors to see if they have something more suitable to your needs.