Jodie Foster’s MasterClass Review - Is It Worth It?

Jeremy Kallowitz
March 5, 2024

Jodie Foster’s MasterClass Review - Is It Worth It?

Jodie Foster is a renowned American actress with two Oscars, three British Academy Film Awards and many more achievements under her belt. She has always wanted to influence people with her movies for the better. Taking her dream forward, Jodie has partnered with MasterClass to share her movie experience and acting wisdom with the rest of the world. MasterClass is a online platform where experts from different fields and careers come together to teach people what they have learned throughout their professional life. Browsing through the courses on MasterClass, you’ll find the likes of Natalie Portman, Neil Gaiman, David Lynchetc, and other successful people teaching you their disciplines.

In her MasterClass, Jodie Foster teaches about her experiences both on and off the camera. She not only teaches how to bring a story to life on the screen through acting, but also how to do it using your creative filmmaking abilities behind the camera. Jodie Foster’s MasterClass offers something to everyone, making it suitable for a range of artistic talents.

How Does it Work?

A paid account on MasterClass lets you log in on the site from where you can access all the exclusive pre-recorded videos as well as any additional learning material, including workbooks, student community, office hours and interactive assignments. You can also interact with other people that are enrolled in the same MasterClass as you.

All About Jodie Foster's MasterClass:


As mentioned above, Jodie Foster is a phenomenal actor and filmmaker. Her expertise and talents are endless, and through her first-ever online class, she teaches you the art of bringing written words to life. Through this class, viewers will learn how Jodie visualizes her scenes and delivers her performances as well as what processes she goes through to give her performance that fine touch.

Lesson Plan

Jodie’s MasterClass consists of 18 pre-recorded video lessons including introductory and conclusion videos. In her second lesson, Jodie helps you find your voice and story and how you can express your feelings through films. She tells you about the process of effective filmmaking. With each video lesson, she teaches you how to use your talent and ideas in your screenplay and what is necessary to make a short film impactful. She also gives a peek into other fields like editing and direction.

How to Access the Class?

Accessing Jodie’s class on MasterClass is easy. You can purchase a single class pass worth $90, or you can purchase an all-access pass costing $180 that will allow you to not only access Jodie’s MasterClass but other classes as well. Once you get the access pass, you will not only be able to learn through expert instructors but get all the additional benefits that come with it.

Is it Worth it?

One question you might be asking yourself is that if spending all that money and time is worth it? In my opinion, it is totally worth it. Jodie’s two-dimensional perspective on filmmaking creates an interesting narrative that keeps you engaged, all the while feeding you the necessary information.

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Jeremy Kallowitz

I have a passion for online education, I've managed to build a successful career without even finishing high school by learning using a wide variety of online resources. I love to share information and learn from others!
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