Expert Rating Review - Is It Worth It?

Jeremy Kallowitz
March 7, 2024

Expert Rating Review - Is It Worth It?


In today’s busy work life, when a person enters into the world of jobs and financial responsibilities, it can become quite overwhelming and hard at times. To help you overcome this, there are a lot of companies out there that offer services to make you fit better in the corporate world. Companies suffer as well; they might end up hiring a wrong person for the job who is not only inexperienced but incompetent as well. Companies have to spend a lot of money to hire workers that fit their agenda, but they need a system that shortlists the best candidates for the job. Expert Rating is a company that focuses on helping companies find the perfect employees and to provide proper training and courses to individuals so they can get hired. This company was founded in 2001 and has provided great services since then.

What is Expert Rating?

Expert Rating is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company. It is one of the few certified websites that deals in hiring and certification. This makes its certifications highly acclaimed and can be used to boost your personal resume in order to empress your potential employers. This website offers its services for both individuals and companies. It provides an employee testing service that companies can to shortlist candidates that have the potential for the job; this prevents them from hiring the wrong person who might cause the company to lose money. More than 6500 companies are relying on Expert Rating for their employee-hiring needs. For individuals, this website offers courses and certifications that can improve your resume and make you a viable candidate for a company. It offers up to 300 certification options that are annually claimed by 3 million people across more than 60 countries. Expert Rating offers great deals for both individuals and companies, with reasonable rates and a great service along with it. The website offers about 800 skills test that give companies the ease of choosing their employees. Companies have tested over 25 million people through Expert Rating and the website has a re-order rate of a staggering 86%.


  • Makes hiring employees for companies easier through its testing scheme
  • Provides individuals the certification they need to grow their career
  • Offers reasonable rates to companies and individuals
  • Experienced firm that is also associated with over 6500 companies
  • Services offered worldwide
  • Highly rated by companies


  • No reviews of individual customers present
  • No free trial offered for individuals
  • More attention is paid towards companies

Key Pages

If you want to know more about this website before purchasing a plan, then there are a few important pages you need to visit to get a better idea of what this website is really about. If you would like to know the background and origin of the firm and its history, then visit the About Us page. If you are an individual and want to look at what courses it offers, then visit the Courses page. Wondering about the certifications it offers? Look into the Certifications page. If you want to purchase a plan for a company and want to learn more about it, then visit the Corporate section. There are also a lot of positive reviews present by companies that have used Expert Rating for employee testing. There is also news about the page present on the website if you’re interested. If your questions and queries are still not answer, then visit the Contact section.


Expert Rating website offers a lot of services that are quite attractive for both companies and individuals. You need to see whether the website checks all your boxes and caters to your needs. If you feel that your questions are answered by this website then by all means try out a course of your choice. If you want to buy an employee testing service for your company, then you can get a trial period and see what the website has to provide. If it you’re satisfied, go ahead and buy the service. Overall this website generally caters for companies. Although this is a great website for individuals as well, there are a lot of options available online that only cater to individuals and their needs.
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Jeremy Kallowitz

I have a passion for online education, I've managed to build a successful career without even finishing high school by learning using a wide variety of online resources. I love to share information and learn from others!
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