Top 7 Companies That Use Cloud Computing Effectively

Jeremy Kallowitz
March 21, 2024

Top 7 Companies That Use Cloud Computing Effectively


Cloud computing is the distribution of technological services via the Internet in order to allow for faster development, more flexible resources, and cost savings. You usually only have to pay for the cloud services you use, allowing you to save dollars, you can even better manage your infrastructure, and grow your business as it expands.

Data backup, recovery plans, mail, virtualization software, software programming and implementation, big data, and customer-facing web apps are just a few of the cloud applications used by companies of all sizes and sectors. Healthcare organizations, for example, are turning to the cloud in order to give more individualized therapy to their patients.

We may learn from the top firms that have succeeded with cloud computing by looking at the list of top companies that have done so. Financial services firms are turning to the cloud to help with real-time fraud detection and prevention. Video game makers are also using the cloud to give online games to millions of players all over the world.

Managed-to-host services like Kinsta use the power of Google Cloud computing to deliver exceptional services suited to your company's size, even if your firm lacks technical resources to manage Cloud computing. This not only gives non-tech enterprises greater freedom, but it also aids their digital expansion.

If you're looking to understand cloud computing and use it for machine learning purposes, you may find our Datacamp is it worth it post interesting.

Some of The Companies that uses cloud computing effectively.

1. Netflix

Whenever Netflix's traditional data center's capabilities became insufficient, it resorted to the cloud for scaling assistance in order to handle demand spikes and lulls. What level of scalability does Netflix require? On a typical weeknight in North America, Netflix accounts for roughly a third of all Internet traffic, peaking around 10 p.m. The volume of use drops off like clockwork at midnight Pacific time.

2. eBay

It is one of the multinational e-commerce companies that is in the United States. It has 175 million buyers in 190 markets all around the world. This company uses different bidding things to help its users get the best bargains so, this website is more than an eCommerce site

eBay serves tens of millions of sellers and buyers throughout the world, and there are well over a billion active listings at any given moment. Cloud technologies enable the management of all data and the provision of secure transactions. In 2018, the firm began testing with machine learning algorithms, and using Google Cloud, they were able to complete the tests in only four days.


3. Instagram

Instagram has also moved to cloud computing because of its rapid expansion to improve scalability. Instagram was launched in the year 2010 on a single computer in Los Angeles. The server became overburdened in just a matter of hours, and Instagram had to relocate to the cloud to accommodate the traffic. Instagram had three million regular users six months later.



4. PayPal

PayPal has approximately 300 million users globally, and in the first quarter of 2021, it completed over 3.74 billion transactions. PayPal is only a simple solution for making online payments from the perspective of a single user. PayPal had partnership with Google cloud in the year 2018 as the company had to deal with a massive number of transactions on daily basis and also at the same time, they had to manage the security and also had to look after their financial problems.


5. Pinterest

Without discussing social media's recent hit, Pinterest, no list on cloud computing would be complete. Pinterest stands apart from many of the other firms on our list because it has always depended on cloud computing. Pinterest is one of the fastest-growing websites on the internet, leverages cloud services to run tests and respond to changing traffic levels, all while keeping a small crew. It's no surprise that Pinterest has turned to big data as a service to store and analyze its data, given that the online pinboard is built to gather massive volumes of data.


6. Coca-Cola

After a spike in volume during the Super Bowl in 2014, the Coca-Cola business decided to transfer to the public cloud since retaining all of the data on-premises was unsustainable in times of high demand. The organization was able to cut maintenance expenses and save 40% on operations by migrating to the cloud, as well as improve performance and expand operational capabilities by introducing more automation. Coca-Cola is, without a doubt, one of AWS's most important clients, as it presently controls the worldwide beverage business.

7. Apple

Apple is known for being on the bleeding edge of technology, so it's no surprise that the company used cloud computing to organize the launch of Siri, a computer that acts like a human listener and provides answers to customers' inquiries. While most people are familiar with Siri because of its voice, the real magic happens in the cloud, where users' requests are received and processed before receiving an answer. Apple has been able to extend and adjust Siri over time thanks to the cloud, without Apple users even realizing it.


Final Words

Although making the switch to cloud computing might be difficult, the advantages are well worth the effort. When it comes to which firms are employing cloud computing, it's safe to say that large tech and worldwide enterprises that value simple scalability, security, and innovation are adopting it. Whichever cloud provider you choose, be sure they give the greatest services to meet all of their cloud computing clients' demands and more.

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Jeremy Kallowitz

I have a passion for online education, I've managed to build a successful career without even finishing high school by learning using a wide variety of online resources. I love to share information and learn from others!
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