Annie Leibovitz MasterClass Review - Is It Worth It?

Jeremy Kallowitz
February 20, 2024

Annie Leibovitz MasterClass Review - Is It Worth It?

Annie Liebovitz is an award-winning and a very promising portrait photographer. She is best known for her interactive portraits that are often shot in intimate settings. Annie strives to achieve perspective through her photographs. In one of her interviews, she said that she gains a point of view and a voice through her work. In her own opinion, she is not a portrait photographer but a creative artist that uses photography to express her ideas. Through MasterClass, Annie takes you to her studio where she teaches you all about photography and how to use portraits and faces of people to tell a story. MasterClass offers a series of lessons taught through pre-recorded videos. These videos are coupled with related workbooks and interactive assignments to enhance your learning experience. The instructors on MasterClass are renowned and experienced celebrities from different walks of life.

Annie Liebovitz's MasterClass:

Annie is not known for the technicalities of her work because she barely addresses that aspect of her work, but in these lessons we see her with her professional mask on. In the preview to her class, she talks about the importance of keeping your lighting kit small.

Lesson Plan:

Annie's MasterClass consists of 15 lessons. Through each of these lessons, she teaches you different aspects of portrait photography. In her introductory lesson, she talks about her career and makes it clear that your equipment and gear won’t take you anywhere in portrait photography if you don’t have a story to tell through your work. As we move forward, Annie shares with her pupils what made her interested in portrait photography and what makes it different from photo journalism. She doesn’t forget to walk her viewers through her creative concepts. Later in her lesson, she talks about the difference between a studio shoot and a location shoot and what significance each of these hold. Annie also teaches different case studies that involve dissecting her work to give a clear view of her creative process. Access to Annie’s MasterClass: There are two access passes that MasterClass offers, one being a single-access pass worth $90 and the other one is an all-access pass worth $180. With an all-access pass, you are not only taught by a particular instructor but you are given free reign to choose from any online classes available on MasterClass.

Is it Worth to Spend $90 Over an Online Class?

It's not possible to get an award-winning renowned and experienced photographer to teach all about her creative process. Annie is a master of her field. She is the first woman to be a Chief Photographer at Rolling Stone and the last person ever to photograph John Lennon. When we look at all the extensive and impressive work she has done over the years, and how she has great command over her equipment, spending $90 on her online class is just a small amount of money. The knowledge and experience she'll give through her lessons is endless and worth every single penny.
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Jeremy Kallowitz

I have a passion for online education, I've managed to build a successful career without even finishing high school by learning using a wide variety of online resources. I love to share information and learn from others!
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