Steve Martin MasterClass Review - Is It Worth It?

Jeremy Kallowitz
March 5, 2024

Steve Martin MasterClass Review - Is It Worth It?

Steve Martin is an American actor, writer and comedian who made a name for himself by working in movies like All of Me, The Jerk, Little Shop of Horrors and Father of the Bride. People got to know him first as a writer of The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour. Then, he was recognized for his continuous presence in the The Tonight Show. Martin has won several awards that include Grammys won for his comedy albums Let’s Get Small and A Wild and Crazy Guy. The 70s and 80s were his best years where his art and skill took him to heights of fame. For several years now, Martin has taken a step back from his acting career but continues his adventures as an author, musician and a stand-up comedian. He has recently been around touring for his show An Evening You Will Forget For The Rest of Your Life with his friend. The show is an amalgam of stand-up comedy and banjo music. For Steve, one doesn’t have to be talented to be a good comedian, and with the right coaching, anyone can tap into his comedic streak. With this thought, he collaborated with MasterClass to give aspiring artists and comedians an insight to his thought process as a comedian. His one advice for his pupils is “Be so good they can’t ignore you”

What is MasterClass?

MasterClass is an online learning platform where well-known and experienced professionals and celebrities from different fields come forward to teach interested people about their skills and give an in-depth view of the things related to their careers. Different MasterClasses have different approaches and there is no fixed formula for a MasterClass. Every class is designed to accommodate that particular celebrity.

How Does it Work?

Different instructors on MasterClass have different ways to teach through pre-recorded video lessons. Some talk with the camera considering it as their students, while others need a live audience present in the video to teach. The number of lessons for different instructors' MasterClasses varies. MasterClass has a lesson plan that comes with a workbook. Students are also encouraged to finish this workbook as the lessons progress, as well as take part in the online student community. While learning, students are given many interactive assignments to help them practice what they’ve learned in theory.

All About Steve Martin’s MasterClass:

Steve Martin's class consists of 25 lessons. He opts to sit in front of a camera to teach the viewers what he knows about comedy. One might ask if comedy can really be taught? Isn’t it something that you are born with? Martin begs to differ. For him, innate abilities are not necessary to be a talented comedian. Although one must have a sense of humor, the ability to find humor in different situations and make people laugh with your quick-witted remarks can be learned through observation and practice. In his MasterClass, Martin teaches how to find your own voice and how to perfect your act. Following is a glimpse of his class' lesson plan.

Lesson Plan

The lesson plan for Martin's class consists of 25 lessons. Each lesson is a step-by-step guide to make you a better comedian. Starting with an introductory lesson, he moves on to encourage viewers to find their comedic voice and not think that talent is the key to a good comedy act. As the lessons progress, Martin talks about how one can find comedy material from their surroundings and what are the most suitable sources that provide the best comedy material for your act. Later in his lessons, Martin teaches about the significance of individuality in the world of comedy. He teaches his pupils to find their own voice and persona for their comedic act. He also brings in young comedians for his class and guides a young comedian through her first-ever stand-up comedy act.

How to Access Steve Martin’s MasterClass?

Accessing MasterClass is simple and convenient. For a particular instructor, you’ll have to buy a single-access pass worth $90, but if you want to learn from other instructors as well, then buying an all-access pass worth $180 is recommended.

Is it Worth it?

Spending $90 on an online class might sound crazy but if you are learning from the best comedian of our age, then it shouldn’t seem much. There are not many comedy classes that teach you the way Martin does and even if they are able to give you some benefit, they won’t be as experienced and skilled as Steve Martin.
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Jeremy Kallowitz

I have a passion for online education, I've managed to build a successful career without even finishing high school by learning using a wide variety of online resources. I love to share information and learn from others!
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