Deep learning is a significant approach to machine learning. As it is relatively new field within machine learning, its popularity is increasing with time. If you are highly interested in the neural networks, their architecture, and detailed study, you must be looking for the best books out there.
Here we did some digging for you:
This book helps you learn modern machine learning rapidly developing in the 2000s. This book takes on simple yet structured exposition and examples to explain complex subjects of the matter. With a good understanding of core concepts, you will be able to learn advanced methodologies and structures.
This is one of the most comprehensive books on deep learning is written by three world-renowned writers of the field. Even though it is written in technical language, authors have done their best to explain everything from scratch. This book covers conceptual and mathematical background along with techniques, methodologies, and applications of deep learning.
This book covers core ideas and algorithms of the field. Many new algorithms such as UCB, Expected Sarsa and Double Learning are added to second edition. Moreover, you will learn function approximation of ideas and the relationship between deep learning and psychology and neuroscience.
This book talks about neural networks, one of the most advanced programming paradigms ever constructed. Learning these deep neural networks is actually deep learning. This book comes with core concepts and modern techniques of neural networks. Once learned, you will be able to write code and solve complex patterned recognition problems.
If you cannot find a book with the perfect balance with coding and theory, this is the one.
In this book, you are going to learn the basics of deep learning with a single language i.e. Python and Keras library in order to eliminate complexities. This book offers a detailed understanding through explanations as well as practical examples. From challenging concepts and practical applications to natural language processing and generative models, get your hands on everything in this book.
This TensorFlow guide ensures that you learn the theory of neural networks and practice the implementation of deep learning algorithms. This book lets you delve into the layers of data abstraction for further insight into deep learning. It also shows you how to exploit data abstraction in the real world using complex raw data in TensorFlow 1.x
The two best online platforms that make you learn deep learning are CBT nuggets and Pluralsight. This is best for people who are not into books a lot. Often, a question that arises is which one is better? Therefore, here’s a CBT Nuggets vs Pluralsight comparison:
Pluralsight comes with a huge catalog. It has wide variety of materials. If you are looking for academic approach towards deep learning, Pluralsight is the best place to go.
On the other hand, CBT Nuggets comes with more experienced trainers and colleagues but you often end up learning nothing at all. It has a lot of videos and lessons to offer but they are either too technical or too vague. Learning with CBT Nuggets means a casual study approach. Also, it is comparatively expensive.
Overall, Pluralsight has a better learning environment at better prices than CBT Nuggets. Go for trial accounts for each and choose which learning style suits you better.