Learners have a tough time making ends meet. When buying all the books needed for a class, a few reasons might be worth spending money on. Students can now pay a small monthly fee to use Perlego's online subscription service to access more than a million works in six languages.
It is a collection of more than 300,000 e-books from some of the best publishing houses in the world. You can have each of them by paying a nominal monthly amount! The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) refers to Perlego as a "Spotify for textbooks."
Perlego app is more accessible to carry around than big textbooks, and it's better for the environment than traditional printing methods like printing on paper. It is possible to access it comfortably on a mobile device such as a laptop, tablet, or smartphone.
Many students worldwide use it because it has a thorough search, features that link to sources, and easy-to-use bookmarking tools.
Read more than what you have been instructed to read! Discover more than 900 subjects and subtopics to explore. Anyone interested in building, design, psychology, or politics will find their desired books here. Additionally, you can study from wherever using its tools.
Perlego is an online library that works with different publishing houses to give subscribers access to nonfiction books for a small fee.
There are around 3,000 publishing companies that are part of the organization. Some of these companies are Wiley, Bloomsbury, and Pearson.
It is possible to download books onto your computer so that you can read them while you are traveling. You can access the services on both traditional desktop PCs and mobile devices. Perlego gives you access to many extra tools for learning, which we'll discuss in the next section.
Perlego provides many great features. Here below, we are mentioning them:
About 7 million PDF copies of best-selling nonfiction books and textbooks are available in the Perlego library. When you have a Perlego subscription, you can look at any book anytime.
Perlego gives its readers a choice of more than 900 subtopics and 24 main disciplines, such as health law and psychology, for doing specific research (such as the law of agriculture, medicine and forensics, and psychology of animals).
Perlego allows you to read books online and offline if you have a laptop, cell phone, or tablet. You will be able to personalize your experience by adjusting the brightness as well as the size of the font. You may use their app on both iOS and Android devices.
Students can look for specific topics or parts of books, highlight important passages, and store notes.
The one-click citation tool gives references for the text you are reading, making it useful for research and essay writing. When writing your citations in the style you want, you can copy and paste them into the text box.
About 700,000 PDF textbooks are in Perlego's library, and these books are available in many languages, including English, Italian, Spanish, French, and many more. There are more than 950 categories and subtopics in the Perlego library, ranging from aeronautics to biology and everything between.
The most vital thing to ask now is, "How much does it cost to subscribe to Perlego?" There are two methods of subscription - one is a monthly subscription, and the second option is an annual subscription:
Perlego's monthly plan is 18 dollars per month, and the annual plan is 144 dollars per year.
Getting a Perlego subscription is a good use of money when compared to the cost of educational books, which is about $1,240 per year on average
There are approximately 700,000 textbooks, and they contain various topics.
A paid subscription to Perlego can range anywhere from $12 to $18 per month. Despite this, a free trial version of the service may be utilized for 14 days.
Lastly, we want to say that Perlego is doing great work by providing its users with low-priced book subscriptions. We hope this Perlego Review will help you understand Perlego.