Varsity's Live Learning Platform adds a live video chat, a shared work board, subject-specific tools like a document editor, and the ability to record a session to make it even more exciting and active.
Math tutors, scientific tutors, foreign language tutors, primary tutors, and other tutors for writing, accounting, computer science, finance, and other subjects are among the five basic kinds of tutors available.
They also assist students in test preparation for high school, graduate school, and elementary school. Varsity tutors assist you in selecting a tutor based on your learning profile and personality, which is one of their key emphasis areas and has personally benefited me a great deal.
Their mission of linking students and specialists at any time and from any location matches their working approach. So far, the site has hosted over four million hours of live tutoring in over 1,000 courses.
Their one-of-a-kind lives learning platform changes online learning on your desktop or mobile device once teachers and students are linked. Students can get all the benefits of face-to-face tutoring with a perfect blend of video chat, interactive tools, and collaborative workspaces at their fingertips. They can even connect with a tutor at any moment, for any difficulty, without ever having to leave their kitchen table.
We understand that some of you may be worried parents reading this. We realize how tough it is to decide that you require tutoring.
Many parents have gone through guilt trips about not having enough time or knowledge and then blaming themselves. Keep in mind that the worth of information and knowledge does not alter depending on who provides it. And occasionally children would refuse to study.
By choosing Varsity Tutors, you are about to make a fantastic decision for your child. With one-on-one tutoring, you should be proud of yourself for assisting them in reaching their greatest potential.
Varsity Tutors offers its own set of advantages, such as convenience and flexibility, as well as 1000+ disciplines to tutor from.
Varsity has such a large client base that it's tempting to register for an online tutoring job with them and earn some additional income. We call it additional income since the Varsity Tutors model is an agency model, and you earn money based on the demand for your topic.
According to numerous internet evaluations, it is not suitable for full-time employment, partially due to the difficulty in obtaining a class and partly due to the low salary of roughly $15 per hour.
Another disadvantage of tutoring with Varsity is that regardless of your tutoring experience or qualifications, you will be paid the same as any other youngster tutoring out of high school. As a result, the tutor emphasizes the idea that their abilities are undervalued at Varsity.
On the plus side, Varsity is incredibly flexible with class schedule, allowing you to choose chances depending on your interests and availability, as well as work with your own class materials.
Tutors may also keep track of things more easily with the online tutoring platform. According to other tutors who have previously worked with Varsity, the organization provides a friendly work atmosphere with the possibility to connect with a large number of clients, as well as a wide range of courses to instruct in!
Varsity Tutors offers three types of tutoring services. The first is "Online Tutoring," which refers to basic internet scheduled sessions and is the most common service supplied by other online education providers. The second choice is "Mobile Tutoring," which is apparently similar to Online Tutoring but allows you to share your screen and video via smartphone applications.
"Instant Tutoring," which works like a bulletin board, is the third and final option. According to the firm, you tell the computer what topic you need help with, and you'll be connected to an instructor in as little as 15 seconds. Instant Tutoring also works with mobile devices.