How AI is Going to Change E-Learning?

Jeremy Kallowitz
March 2, 2024

How AI is Going to Change E-Learning?

Ever since its conception, artificial intelligence has been proven one of the most useful modern day tools. From being able to drive a car automatically to beating grandmasters at chess, AI can do it all. But these days, the power of AI can be used to enhance the learning process for millions around the world. The concept of learning something without being restricted by physical barriers was the major draw of e learning. You could learn anything you want, anywhere you want, using any kind of source material. This kind of experience is about to get a whole lot better thanks to AI. Here’s how:

It Will Create a Truly Personalized Experience

The biggest factor holding e-learning back these days is a lack of a personal experience. You can’t always interact with your teachers and even if you can, your interactions are tied to the limitations of modern technology. AI can take great strides in this kind of situation by personalizing your learning experience. Instead of focusing on a linear course to drive your learning on, it will try to anticipate your situation better. It will be able to take different variables into account and make sure that the learning process is specifically tailored to your needs.

It Can Create Different Variations of the Same Course Material

A class full of students learning about the same topic or subject might want to pursue paths that utilizes that knowledge in different ways. In an ordinary learning system, the instructor and the course can’t just focus on the needs of one individual and ignore the rest. However, in an AI powered e-learning system this is an ideal situation. The system can recognize the specific sub-category and discipline that each student wants to pursue. It can then modify the curriculum to better focus and suit the specific needs of that field.

They Can Provide 24/7 Interactions

It’s quite common for the average student to have several questions pop up when they’re not in class. Normally, a student will have to wait until the next class to ask their question and receive the answer. But thanks to AI, this can be done at the drop of a hat. AI chat bots are currently being developed for intelligent interactions with humans. Pretty soon, an AI will have the capability to listen to a student’s question carefully and find the relevant answer rapidly.

They Can Automate Teaching Tasks

An average teacher is burdened with not only teaching the course material but also handling other teaching tasks. With the current advancement in AI technology, these tasks will be automated fully. An AI will be able to automatically carry out tasks such as sending out assignments, taking class attendance, checking assignments for plagiarism, making result sheets, sending out emails, and much more. While you wait for AI systems to develop, you can use existing e-learning platforms like Pluralsight and Codeacademy. And if you’re thinking whether Pluralsight or Codecademy is better, then we recommend Pluralsight. It’s a great way to learn about coding with a fantastic course structure and excellent learning value. It comes highly recommended by professionals and students alike so sign up today and get the true streamlined e-learning experience.
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Jeremy Kallowitz

I have a passion for online education, I've managed to build a successful career without even finishing high school by learning using a wide variety of online resources. I love to share information and learn from others!
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